

Song Original Artist Soloist Arranger
Erase MeLizzy McAlpine and Jacob CollierJulia Marquis ('25)George Wu ('24)
I'm TiredLabrinth and ZendayaKushal Daruwala ('26), LT Do ('25), William Eaglesham ('26), and Francis Peng ('23)George Wu ('24) and LT Do ('25)
MoreLawrenceNoah Scher ('25) and Evelyn Donahue ('26)George Wu ('24) and Evelyn Donahue ('25)
StrangeCelesteLT Do ('25)George Wu ('24)
The FeelingSammy Rae and the FriendsSofia Ossmann ('25)George Wu ('24)
Work SongHozierBen Schwartz ('23)George Wu ('24)
Nothing Left for YouSam SmithKaylyn Ferguson ('25)George Wu ('24)
BelieverImagine DragonsMarshall McCall ('23))George Wu ('24)
Done for MeCharlie Puth and KehlaniAlex Panos ('26) and Julia Marquis ('25)George Wu ('24)
Beatles MedleyThe BeatlesEnsembleNoam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Under PressureQueenEnsembleGabe Rutman


Song Original Artist Soloist Arranger
Good KisserLake Street DiveLucy Adelman ('24)Lucy Adelman ('24)
DiamondsSam SmithAndrew Johnson ('22)Andrew Johnson ('22)
TrampolineSHAEDBianca Zhou ('22) and Ben Schwartz ('23)Marshall McCall ('23)
Train WreckJames ArthurFrancis Peng ('23)Ben Schwartz ('23)
HypotheticalsLake Street DiveJulia Marquis ('22)Francis Peng ('23)
Still FeelHalf AliveEmma Chatson ('22)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
ReflectionsMisterWivesGabrielle Ruban ('22)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Billie Eilish MedleyBillie EilishJulia Marquis and Sofia Ossmann ('25)Serena El-Khatib ('21) and Andrew Johnson ('22)
Slow Dancing in the DarkJojiAndrew Johnson ('22)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
The Night We MetLord HuronMarshall McCall ('23)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
GeniusLSDSerena El-Khatib and Andrew Johnson ('22)Chase Strom
Waving Through a WindowBen PlattMarshall McCall ('23)Chase Strom
Fall in LineChristina Aguilera and Demi LovatoBella Dodd ('20) and Emma Rollins ('20)Chase Strom
GreedyAriana GrandeBella Dodd ('20)Justin Burton ('21)
CreeksBon IverEnsembleNoam Fields-Meyer ('20)
EvergreenYebbaEmma Rollins ('20)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
TryLawrenceBen Wang ('20) and Bianca Zhou ('22)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Tell Me You Love MeDemi LovatoBella Dodd ('20)Chase Storm
CreeksBon IverEnsembleNoam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Barton HollowThe Civil WarsDashielle Wakeman ('19) and Sarah Romanelli ('21)Dashielle Wakeman ('19)
RiverBishop BriggsSerena El-Khatib ('21)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
SilenceKhalidDashielle Wakeman ('19)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Rivers and RoadsThe Head and the HeartEverett Dang ('19)Noam Fields-Meyer ('20)
Darkness and LightJohn LegendArooj Khalid ('18)Chase Strom
PraySam SmithJames Kennedy ('18) and Amari Sutton ('18)Chase Strom
Hold My HandJess GlynneBella Dodd ('20)Maurielle Artis ('16) and James Kennedy ('18)
If I GoJess GlynneArooj Khalid ('18)Arooj Khalid ('18), Anna Mowell ('16), and Alex Resnick ('18)
OmenSam SmithDashielle Wakeman ('19)Maggie Tobin
River LeaAdeleJames Kennedy ('18)Maggie Tobin
Save MeHozierArooj Khalid ('18)Alex Resnick ('18)
Say You Love MeJessie WareJojo Jones ('15)Perry Savas ('15)
Take Me to ChurchHozierJames Kennedy ('18)Alex Resnick ('18)
What You Don't DoLianne La HavasDashielle Wakeman ('19)Alex Resnick ('18)
CastleHalseyCathy Tang ('17)Maggie Tobin
You Go Down SmoothLake Street DiveSarah Gordis ('16)Perry Savas ('15)
Give Me LoveEd SheeranDavid Pruchno ('16)Bori Byun ('13) and Perry Savas ('15)
XOBeyoncéJojo Jones ('15)David Pruchno ('16)
Speaking a Dead LanguageJoy WilliamsCathy Tang ('17)Sarah Gordis ('16) and David Pruchno ('16)
I'll Make Love to YouBoyz II MenJames Jin ('14) and Sami El-Kebbi ('15)Greg DiMattina ('11)
Over the LoveFlorence + the MachineCathy Tang ('17)Perry Savas ('15)
Crave YouFlight FacilitiesSarah Gordis ('16)Will Vander Pols ('15) and Rudy Oku ('17)
Bottom of the RiverDelta RaeAnna Mowell ('16)Greg DiMattina ('11)
Pusher Love GirlJustin TimberlakeZach Kelly ('14)Perry Savas ('15)
Let it BeThe BeatlesTye Tavaras ('09) and Zach Kelly ('14)Bori Byun ('13) and Greg DiMattina ('11)