Think you got what it takes?



Every fall semester, we host auditions at the beginning of the academic year. It is a time where we get to meet outstanding singers, and you get to meet us.

Prospective new members can find all the information necessary on this page regarding our auditions process. Feel free to reach out if you have any remaining questions!

Fall 2024 auditions have concluded. Please refer back to this page in August 2025 for 2025-26 audition information.



Why should I audition for Aural Pleasure?

The reasons are endless! We regularly compete in competitions, record albums in the studio, and perform in front of many exciting and new audiences. We create unconventional music with the intention to inspire. Furthermore, we are not just a musical group; ultimately, what makes us so special is that we are a family. AP is a group full of culture, tradition, and humor. Audition if you are looking for a close-knit community that also happens to sing incredible music.

What are you looking for?

There is no typical Aural Pleasure member, and we most certainly do not want you to fit any certain mold! Please be yourself and put your best foot forward while auditioning; we’ll select those who are both talented and have a good attitude. We are simply looking for passionate singers who are dedicated to sharing their talents with others and want to make music in a group environment.

On a more technical note, AP members will be listening for the following categories: pitch awareness, vocal tone and placement, ability to blend, and diction. These are the basics of voice; if you truly love to sing, these categories should be no problem!

What song should I pick?

Choose a song that you think will best showcase your talent! We’ve heard everything: pop, musical theater, opera, r&b, you name it. If you want to sing “Happy Birthday,” go for it. If you want to sing Whitney Houston, go on with your bad self! Go for anything you know well and have confidence. Truly, we just want you to show us how much you love singing.

Will I have to sight-read?

Yes, and no! Starting in Fall 2023 we will provide an optional sight-reading portion in our auditions. If you would like to showcase sight-reading abilities you will be offered a quick and casual excerpt to help us better understand your musical abilities. Sight-reading is a fantastic skill, but it is definitely not required to be offered a space in the group.

What is the callback process like?

Callbacks are FUN and should not be a source of stress! Those who advance to the next round in the auditions process get a closer look into what it’s like to be a member of Aural Pleasure. You will receive one of our arrangements and learn a few measures, then perform it. You will also meet the members of AP and be able to talk to them and ask them your questions if you have any. It is a collaborative experience for everyone involved and it will also be an unforgettable learning experience.